A bold step toward regional stability and prosperity

 The peace agreement signed August 13 between the United Arab Emirates and Israel may be a transformational event, during a region where old ways of thinking prevail . By deciding to normalize relations with Israel, the UAE has made a bold investment within the way forward for the center East, and signaled its desire to figure with former opponents to ensure peace and prosperity for the approaching generations.

Egypt and Jordan signed ground-breaking peace agreements in 1979 and 1993, respectively. But the larger trend has been less obvious: of 57 Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member countries, over the years 28 have come to an equivalent conclusion – that it's better to interact with Israel and plan to influence beliefs and decisions through dialogue, than to take a seat on the surface and hope that protests and objections influence actions and opinions.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the UAE has pushed forward with variety of serious national projects, from launching the Mars “Hope” Mission, to bringing Barakah – the primary peaceful reactor within the Arab world – on line. we've collaborated with scientists in other countries, including Israel, to progress research toward a secure Covid-19 vaccine and hosted the signing of the “Document of Human Fraternity” between His Holiness Pope Francis and therefore the Grand Imam of al-Azhar Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Al-Tayyeb in Abu Dhabi . To some, the aim of those efforts might appear to be more symbolic than practical. But they're extremely practical, and have a standard denominator: the event of youth to satisfy the challenges of the longer term .

In Pakistan, 64 percent of the population is under the age of 30; the UAE features a similar demographic. Both countries acutely understand the imperative of youth engagement. Engagement results in tolerance and coexistence, which is that the foundation for a stable society. Without engagement, children are susceptible to extremism.

The youth of today are more action-oriented and fewer dogmatic than older generations. this is often partly thanks to having been exposed to a dizzying amount of technological and social and economic change. Millennials view change less as a risk than a continuing , and a source of opportunity.

It is the responsibility of a country’s leadership to assure that its youth and residents are linked up to the change around them – and have the right education and influences to understand their potential. But clearly it's very difficult to develop minds, mentalities and careers within the context of instability. Which is why stability is so fundamental, and why since its founding in 1971, the UAE has prioritized aid and assistance, and policies that promote regional peace. Its leading role in supporting the Eritrea-Ethiopia peace agreement in 2018 is another example. As a results of its policies the UAE has become a destination of choice for youth eager to explore their capabilities and kick-start or progress their careers. Today, 200 nationalities live together within the UAE with peace, respect and dignity.

All of this serves to underscore the importance of dialogue. As responsible nations, we cannot afford to let the region stew in self-referential spirals of violence and recrimination. Nor can we afford to exclude our children from the transformations that are building human capital and prosperity elsewhere. As societies, we do ourselves an excellent disservice if we reject dialogue in favor of processes that have repeatedly did not produce the required results.

This is where the leadership of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE soldiers , has been invaluable, not only in advancing the bilateral relationship but in changing the regional paradigm. With new reference points, and therefore the time and context during which to figure out a just and sustainable solution, we hope the Palestinians and Israelis have the courage to figure out a just and fair peace between them, supported the principle of two states for 2 peoples.

There is always light at the top of the tunnel. Change constantly brings new opportunities. But so as to require advantage, one must be ready to see the opportunities once they come, and have the courage of conviction to act on them. the author is Ambassador of the UAE to Pakistan.

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