Imran Khan declared Man of the Year by ‘The Muslim 500’

ISLAMABAD: The Muslim 500, a Jordan based publication, has declared Prime Minister Imran Khan ‘Man of the Year’, while US Congresswoman Rashida Talib has been declared ‘Woman of the Year’.

For Imran Khan, the magazine wrote that iff The Muslim 500 was in print back in 1992 Imran Khan would are nominated as Muslim Man of the Year due to his brilliant performance in cricket, which culminated in Pakistan winning the 1992 Cricket World Cup -- a sport I even have always admired for its combination of elegance and intense competitive play.

“I also was touched when Khan launched a successful fund raising campaign to determine a hospital dedicated to both the care of victims of cancer also as research.

This was his magnificent response to the loss of his mother to cancer in 1985 and given Imran Khan’s extraordinary popularity with Pakistanis both reception also as among the massive number of Pakistani expats along side his own, no doubt, generous personal contribution—he raised sufficient funds in order that by 1994 the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital opened its doors in Lahore. 75 percent of its patients receive free-care,” wrote the editor.

Imran Khan became Prime Minister of Pakistan in 2018 after 22 years dedicated to building an opposition party committed to reform; confronting Pakistan’s civilian political establishment over the difficulty of embedded corruption and mismanagement. This and his other accomplishments are detailed within the biography that accompanies his ranking (Number 16) during this , the newest edition of The Muslim 500.

But what's particularly to his credit is that upon taking office in August 2018 Imran Khan made it quite clear that one among his top priorities was to figure for an enduring peace with India. He wanted to normalise relations through trade, and settling the Kashmir dispute, “the foremost impediment” within the prime minister’s own words “to the normalisation of relations between us”.

“This is Imran Khan’s great dilemma—how does one make a way desired lasting peace with a nation governed by those that have neither interest nor got to make an enduring peace with Pakistan, and against whom any sort of war would be hopeless. the solution it might seem that Imran Khan’s efforts must now specialise in mobilising global opinion, to show a RSS-led India a worldwide pariah. together with his impressive column within the ny Times and therefore the sudden burst of public activity by a number of Imran Khan’s touring ministers and ambassadors in America, Europe and maybe in Asia, that appears to be now underway,” wrote the editor.

Woman of the year Rashida Tlaib, American Congresswoman (Democrat, Michigan) is that this year’s Muslim 500 Woman of the Year. She is that the first Palestinian-American woman and joint first Muslim woman (along with Ilhan Omar (Democrat, Minnesota) to be elected to the American Congress as member of the House of Representatives.

She took her individual oath of office together with her hand on the Holy Quran. Although she is serving her first term in office she is certainly one among the foremost publicised members, largely due to President Trump who has publicly accused her and three other congresswomen of colour (collectively referred to as ‘the squad’) of hating America and saying that they ought to “go back to where they came from”— a trope that has been employed by white American nativists (a polite thanks to ask racists) since the 19th century responding to waves of immigrants—Irish, Italians, Jews (overwhelmingly from Russia and Poland), Latin Americans (popularly mentioned as Hispanics) ignoring or oblivious to the very fact that while Tlaib’s parents are Palestinian immigrants, Tlaib was born in America, therefore the best she could do is return to Detroit.

Although Trump has denounced all of ‘The Squad’ he seems particularly hooked in to the Muslim congresswomen. They represent all that he despises. aside from their faith, gender, and ethnic background, both are professed socialists. Tlaib may be a member of the Democratic Socialists of America and Omar, while not a member of the DSA, has expressed a sympathy for democratic socialism. Both support the varied state measures proposed by Senator Bernie Sanders.

Eminent religious scholars Mufti Taqi Usmani and Maulana Tariq Jameel have also been named among the foremost influential Muslims. 

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