Republicans pitch Trump as an empathetic leader protecting the country from Democrats on convention's first night


The many speakers for the duration of the night hammered those themes as they attempted to change voters' perceptions about Trump's haphazard handling of the pandemic and his failure to advance any sort of intelligible national strategy for slowing the virus as he railed against governors and insisted it would magically disappear.


In spite of the fact that the night was aimed at starting up Trump's base with attacks on what was framed as Biden's socialist agenda and dark portrayals of Democratic protesters as a left wing horde, the GOP also sent two of its most convincing speakers - previous US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott - to argue that Trump's policies have lifted up a diverse array of American families and that Democrats have gone too far with their claims of systematic racism in the US.


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Scott, who spearheaded the GOP version of police change legislation after George Floyd was executed by a Minneapolis cop, conveyed the closing speech where he conjured Floyd's name and that of Breonna Taylor, who was fatally shot by police in a raid in Louisville, Kentucky.


He touched on his own roots as the son of mother who "worked 16 hours a day to keep food on the table" and a "roof over our heads" as they shared a two-room house with his grandparents, arguing that Trump has attempted to stay consistent with America's promise of chance for all.


He argued that Biden has taken Black voters for granted - making searing references to Biden's leadership on the 1994 wrongdoing charge that "put millions of Black Americans in a correctional facility" and the previous VP's abundantly criticized argument in one interview that "in the event that you have a difficult making sense of whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't Black." Biden later said he "shouldn't have been such a wise person."


"We face a daily reality such that only wants you to have faith in the bad news, racially, economically and culturally polarizing news," Scott said. "Actually, our nation's arc always bends back towards fairness. We are not completely where we want to be, yet thank God we are not where we used to be. We are always striving to be better."


Scott said the GOP is working "on strategy - while Joe Biden's radical Democrats are attempting to permanently transform what it means to be an American."


"Make no mistake: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want a cultural revolution, a fundamentally unique America," Scott said. "On the off chance that we let them, they will transform our nation into a socialist utopia and history has taught us that path only leads to pain and misery, especially for hard-working individuals wanting to rise."


Haley also attempted to burnish Trump's image on the world stage despite the fact that Trump's strongman tactics have been generally criticized across the globe. She argued that not at all like previous President Barack Obama and Biden, Trump has anticipated strength to other countries while Biden would be "useful for Iran and ISIS" and "great for Communist China."


"He's a godsend to everyone who wants America to apologize, abstain and abandon our values," said Haley, the previous governor of South Carolina. "Donald Trump takes an alternate approach. He's tough on China, and he took on ISIS and won, and he tells the world what it needs to hear."


Haley made that argument despite the fact that Trump is viewed unfavorably around the world. Earlier this year, the Pew Research Center found that across 32 countries, a median of 64% said they don't have confidence in Trump to make the best choice in world affairs, while only 29% expressed confidence in the President.


Speaking as an Indian-American woman who was the first person of shading and first woman chose as governor in South Carolina, Haley called out Democrats for denouncing systematic racism in America.


"In a great part of the Democratic Party, it's presently fashionable to say that America is racist. That is an untruth. America is not a racist nation," she said.


"This is personal for me. I am the glad daughter of Indian immigrants," she said, taking note of that her father wore a turban and her mother wore a sari. "America is a story that's a work in progress. Right now is an ideal opportunity to expand on that progress, and make America much more liberated, fairer, and better for everyone. That's the reason it's tragic to see so a significant part of the Democratic Party choose not to see toward riots and rage."


Attempting to close the empathy gap


Seven days after Biden's party spent days featuring his empathy with personal stories about the previous VP, Trump and his party attempted to do likewise in roundtables with front-line workers responding to the coronavirus pandemic and individuals who his administration liberated from captivity abroad.


In Trump's first appearance of the night, a Louisiana surgeon, Dr G.E. Ghali said that Trump had torn down regulatory barriers to advance the improvement of vaccines and therapies. It is right that the drive for a vaccine, in the US and elsewhere is moving at unusual speed - however not as fast as the President says it is. Be that as it may, neither the video nor the speech explained why the United States has failed to set up a national test and tracing system or why it has only 4% of the total populace however has a quarter of its coronavirus infections.


Ghali said Trump "moved mountains to save lives."


In his second appearance of the night, the President was featured in a video from the White House with American hostages liberated by unfamiliar countries during his administration. "We got you back," Trump told Sam Goodwin, who was held in Syria in 2019.


Other featured Americans had been held abroad in countries that included Turkey, Iran and Venezuela.


While Trump mostly allowed the previous hostages to recount to their stories, he at one point told Pastor Andrew Brunson - imprisoned by Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan - that the strongman leader "was awesome. ... He ultimately, after we had a couple of conversations, he agreed."


Trump has been more successful in liberating hostages than most other late presidents.


He has kept in place revisions adopted by the Obama administration that make it easier for families of those held to talk to their captors. His government has also heaped pressure on unfamiliar governments to free Americans yet officially sticks to the rule that there can be no negotiating with hostage takers.


Be that as it may, some experts stress that events like Monday's, which showed the President personally and politically profoundly invested in claiming credit for liberating hostages, could put a greater prize on the heads of Americans who are in vulnerable situations abroad.


Republicans gloss over Trump’s coronavirus failures on first night of their convention


Republicans pitched Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic as a massive success on Monday, despite the view of large majorities of Americans that the President and his administration have fumbled the crisis.


In his first surprise appearance of the night, Trump met with health care, law implementation and other workers who have been on the front lines during the pandemic. All through the night, other average Americans shared stories of how Trump's actions have helped them survive the pandemic and the economic downturn, which prompted tens of millions of Americans losing their jobs.


During a back-and-forward with front-line workers, Trump portrayed the federal government as having acted the hero of governors, who were scrambling for personal defensive hardware during the early months of the pandemic.


"I appreciate what you said because we have conveyed billions of dollars of gear that governors were supposed to get, and much of the time they didn't get," Trump said. "So the federal government had to support them, and all of the individuals that accomplished this mind boggling work - they never got credit for it. Be that as it may, you understand where it came from. Thank you without a doubt."


The party wanted to take that issue "head on," according to occasion organizers. In a video, the Republican National Convention misrepresented Trump's handling of the coronavirus, repeating a whirlwind of falsehoods about Trump's attitude towards a pandemic that has now executed nearly 180,000 Americans and that he initially denied would be an issue, then dismissed and disregarded.


Despite attempts by Trump and Republicans to portray his response to the coronavirus as a success, the US is still the world's leader in total cases and deaths.


While Trump has focused on his January 31 announcement that banned unfamiliar nationals from China from entering the US, many medical experts say that he lost valuable time in February when he resisted making major moves to contain the virus, insisting that it would just disappear.


He refused to ask the federal government to take the lead on Covid-19 testing or in any event, for devising a plan to battle the pandemic, insisting that governors were responsible for ramping up testing and deciding their own protocols — which prompted wide variation in the response across the nation.


He didn't announce the coronavirus shutdown until mid-March and then berated governors who he accepted were returning their economies too slowly, despite the fact that many of them didn't meet the criteria that the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had set. Experts say that is one of the factors that prompted a deadly summer surge in cases.


And it was not until July when Trump finally wore a mask openly during a visit to injured service members at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.


This past end of the week, the seven-day average of coronavirus deaths dipped under 1,000 a day just because since July.


GOP casts a dark view of America


As always in events designed by Trump, the message focused in on messages that would resonate with his base. Donald Trump Jr., one of the night's keynote speakers, launched a searing assault against "Beijing Biden" who he described as "the Loch Ness Monster" of the swamp.


"Biden's radical left wing policies would stop our economic recovery cool, he's already talking about shutting

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